Pilgrim Uniting Church


The Pilgrim Uniting Church, as it is now known was a culmination of three separate denominations: the Methodist, Presbyterian and the Congregational Churches. They joined together as the Uniting Church in Australia in 1977, worshipping for a time in each of their own buildings before eventually combining as one in 1982 at the present location, to be known as Pilgrim Uniting Church.

The church building itself was opened on 21st February 1868.

A detailed history can be found under the ‘About Us’ tab.

Today, the Pilgrim congregation meet every Sunday at 10.00am for Worship and to share the love of the Lord.

Red Dove logo

Ministry & Worship

Mother's love

Minister Rev. Valentina Satvedi Leydon provides Worship, every Sunday morning, commencing at 10.00am.

Everyone is welcome.

Get in touch - Heading 2

+61 (03) 63318466


Launceston, Tasmania/lutruwita

Find us

The Pilgrim Uniting Church, Launceston is located at 38 Paterson Street, Launceston TASMANIA 7250.